29 Insights with Topic: A-shares
China’s financial markets stand on the cusp of resilience and opportunity, buoyed by proactive government interventions and structural reforms. Beijing’s commitment to fostering innovation in artificial intelligence, semiconductors, and renewable energy highlights its strategic pivot towards self-reliance. Meanwhile, reforms aimed at enhancing corporate governance and shareholder returns signal a shift toward greater efficiency and market appeal. While challenges persist, including heightened US tariffs and soft domestic demand, the leadership’s “all-in” growth strategy and flexible policy framework highlight a clear long-term vision for sustainable development. For investors, China in 2025 presents a wealth of opportunities across a range of sectors—from cutting-edge technology and dividend-focused equities to stable government bonds and a recovering real estate market. In this article, our Partner & Co-CIO David Lai suggests that this year could be one of the strategic investments for China with potential for substantial returns.
Jan 07, 2025
The third quarter ended with a bang for mainland Chinese stocks, as twin announcements from China’s central bank and top fiscal policymakers gave both foreign and domestic investors plenty to think about over an extended market holiday during China’s October Golden Week. In this insight, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, explores the shift in sentiment that sent the onshore China markets higher for the quarter, breaking down the economic implications of a renewed and forceful stimulus push, the factor drivers of Q3 equity performance, and the data investors should be looking forward to as 2024 draws to a close.
Nov 15, 2024
Going into a July meeting of top party officials at China’s Third Plenum, held once every five years, first-quarter hopes of a 2024 recovery in China’s economy had given way to macro uncertainty, as strength in manufacturing and exports served for many to highlight just how weak domestic sentiment and consumption remain. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, digs into such challenges and potential paths forward for Beijing, including our thoughts on a Third Plenum meeting that didn’t yield any policy bombshells, but still offers clues as to where investors might focus as we enter the second half ready for bargain hunting.
Jul 30, 2024
Despite mainland stocks putting up a solid Q1—the CSI 300 Index gained 3.1% for the quarter—and although macro fundamentals appeared as if they might be turning a corner at the start of 2024, bullish sentiment toward China equities had yet to materialize, with many questioning whether a first-quarter rebound would sustain. In the commentary below, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, delves into the details of China’s economy and market action during Q1, discussing how Beijing’s plan to nurture high-quality growth might translate to macro conditions and investors’ portfolios.
May 09, 2024
Extremely negative sentiment culminating Q4 2023 toward Chinese stocks have brought A shares to exceedingly low valuations for an economy with so much inherent growth potential, that it would appear the upside risks far outweigh the downside risks at this point. Meanwhile we see differentiating features of the bedrock and new economy indices including factors tilting toward bargain stocks and high-quality growth at a reasonable price, along with a concentration in strategic sectors that truly drive China’s real economy. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors reviews the factor performance of the onshore A-shares markets in Q4 2023, and reasons why investors may look back at 2024 as a turning point for China’s equity markets, and outstanding entry point for a vintage well positioned for growth recovery in the new normal.
Feb 23, 2024
There is a big disconnect between the image of the Chinese economy portrayed by the media and the underlying data. As we start the year, we review key pieces of data from both China and the US. In summary, while the data for China has not been as good as the market may have liked, it was better than what the media would have had us believe. A quick run through the China data for the first nine months of the year, as collated by “China Briefing”: Growth in real GDP 5.2%; industry output 4.0%; services output 6.0%; retail sales 6.8%; fixed asset investment 3.1%. These are very decent growth figures by any international comparison. And China achieved the above figures with a smaller fiscal deficit than the US and while bearing the burden of rebalancing growth away from dependence on the property sector.
Jan 15, 2024
Investors should expect a better return in Chinese equities in 2024 after three consecutive negative yearly return. Indeed, it is the first time that China stock market has recorded an annual loss three times in a row. Slowing economy, heighted China-US bilateral relationship, strong dollar and property market slump all contributed to the disappointing performance in the past twelve months. Looking ahead, the market may offer more upside risks because of (1) stronger supportive policies rolling out to help lift economic activities and particularly the property sector, (2) geopolitical tensions tuning down with increasing dialogues between Chinese and US top government officials, (3) domestic long-term investors’ buying and foreign investors’ current significantly underweight position in Chinese equities, and (4) value emerging from the discounted share prices on both absolute and relative basis. Bamboo is a symbol of longevity in China because of its durability, strength, flexibility, and resilience. It survives in the harshest conditions, persevere and still standing tall and staying green year-round. When the storm comes, bamboo bends with the wind. With business and consumer confidence continue to recover amid the much more accommodating, easing environment, Chinese entrepreneurs and the equities market should finally be in for a year of promising growth ahead.
Dec 18, 2023
Surging Treasury yields and increasing anxiety over the Fed’s ‘higher for longer’ policy led global equities to ‘risk-off’ in the third quarter, though the challenge for Chinese stocks in the CSI 300 Index, down -2.9% for the quarter, remained mostly a function of negative sentiment toward China’s property market and skepticism that policymakers were doing enough to put the nation’s economic recovery back on track. Nevertheless, we saw some very positive signs in Q3, with Beijing beginning to implement targeted stimulus that, by quarter end, already appears to be bearing fruit. From a factor perspective, the new economy portfolio’s quality growth exposure is effectively levered to the upside surprises we see as significantly undervalued at this moment, while the bedrock index should continue to benefit from value and quality exposures, allowing us to identify true bargains poised for revaluation. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, discusses third-quarter performance and outline our expectations for China’s economy and market as 2023 draws to a close.
Nov 06, 2023
The “Urban Village Redevelopment” initiatives outlined at the Politburo Meeting in July could potentially create new housing demand which is valued at over RMB 2 trillion per year and property fixed asset investment worth RMB 0.4 trillion per annum. What is urban villages, and why is it a significant development to monitor? In this article, we discuss why urban villages are an integral part of China's new phase of urbanization, and how this links up with China's smart and green city planning, and a holistic set of initiatives that roll up to building China towards its goals of building China into a high tech, modern society under the 14th Five Year Plan.
Aug 02, 2023
While global equities generally performed well in Q2 amidst a frenzy around A.I., sentiment toward Chinese stocks remained lacklustre as investor enthusiasm waned. That said there remained bright spots in the market that quietly outperformed - including our multi-factor China Bedrock Economy ETF which delivered YTD USD return of ~12.6% as of Aug 2nd 2023. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, reviewed the performance of various style factors during the quarter, and discusses why we see China as grossly undervalued going into the second half.
Aug 01, 2023
과거 투자자들은 중국 주식 소유시 국영기업(SOE)보단 민영기업(POE)을 더 선호했습니다. 보통 민영기업은 더 효율적으로 운영되며 성장·이익·혁신을 추구하는 경향이 있는 반면, 국영기업은 보통 관료주의, 사회적 책임, 고용·사회적 안정 지원, 그리고 변화·혁신과는 거리가 먼 전통적인 사내문화에 얽매인 채 운영된다는 고정관념이 존재했기 때문이다. 그러나 정부의 강력한 지원 뿐만 아니라, 국영기업 개혁을 촉진하고 국영기업들의 가치 발굴을 강조하는 새 정책들이 속속 등장함에 따라, 이제는 이러한 고정관념을 타파할 때가 된 것 같습니다. 변화를 위해 노력하고, 또 진정한 경제 발전에 기여할 수 있도록 재편성되고 새로운 가치를 발견할 수 있게끔 정책 결정자들의 전폭적인 지지를 받는 국영기업들이 새로이 등장하고 있기 때문입니다. 이 글에서는 최근 인기를 끌고 있는 국영기업 리레이팅/가치 재평가 테마의 배경에 대해 논의해볼 것이며, 중국 국영기업 테마에 적절한 익스포져를 갖기 위한 최적의 방법을 소개합니다.
May 26, 2023
China’s stock market rode a wave of positive sentiment on a policy shift that brought the world’s second-largest economy out of lockdown, pushing the CSI 300 Index up 4.7% for the quarter and leading to even stronger performance for strategies applying intelligent factor tilts within the bedrock economy and new economy. Even so, macro data throughout the quarter charting China’s recovery from strict zero-COVID containment measures led some investors to question the strength and sustainability of the nation’s economic rebound. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors discusses first-quarter performance and considers what the next phase of China’s reopening could mean for investors.
May 18, 2023
인터넷 플랫폼 기업들이 지난 10년 간 중국 테크 섹터를 주도해 온 주요 동력이었지만, 최근 실적 발표와 경영 방향성을 살펴보면, 이커머스·게임·승차플랫폼·라스트 마일 배송 등 업종들의 고성장 모멘텀이 대폭 둔화되고 있는 모습인데요. 정부 정책 변동·반독점법·데이터 보안 위반 등에 대한 우려뿐만 아니라 시장이 성숙 단계에 진입하면서 이들 사업 모델의 전망은 불확실해보입니다. 반면, 특히 반도체와 같은 하드코어 테크놀로지 섹터는 미국 바이든 행정부의 적대적인 조치에도 시장에서 떠오르는 업종으로 각광받고 있습니다. 이번 글에서는 왜 반도체 업종이 조만간 중국 주식 시장의 핵심 섹터 중 하나가 될 예정인지, 그리고 투자자들이 중국 테크 산업의 패러다임 변화에 맞춰 포트폴리오를 재구성하고자 할 때 왜 프리미아 차이나 과창판(STAR50) ETF를 활용하면 테크 산업의 성장기회들을 포착하기 좋은지 다뤄보도록 하겠습니다.
May 04, 2023
China market has taken a pause after a strong rally in the past few months. The renewed hawkish tone from the US Fed may be the main reason behind the consolidation. Some critics are suggesting that the China reopening trade is done, or has become overcrowded already with not much immediate upside as a tactical trade. In this article, our Partner & Co-CIO David Lai addresses this topic from various aspects ranging from macro economies, investors’ positioning, to policy agenda and market valuation. He would also share why we believe it’s onshore A-shares that are picking up the baton for the second act of the rally - as the China reopening play evolves from short term tactical, to fundamental strategic opportunities driven by positive earnings growth and restoration of business and consumer confidence.
Mar 02, 2023
Chinese stocks took a rollercoaster ride in Q4, as the immediate lacklustre reaction to October’s National Congress gave way to a rally on the back of policy support in November. Investors finally cheered Beijing’s abrupt dismantling of its restrictive zero-COVID policies, as the year came to a close. By the end of December, the CSI 300 Index was up 2% on the quarter. Below in this article, Dr. Philip Wool, Managing Director and Head of Investment Solutions of Rayliant Global Advisors, would explore critical developments in the macro picture at the turn of the year, discuss fourth-quarter performance and factor rotation pattern through the period, and also provide our thoughts as to what reopening has in store for Chinese stocks in 2023.
Feb 04, 2023
In 2022, our Premia CSI Caixin China Bedrock Economy ETF (“the Bedrock ETF”) outperformed most of the market benchmarks, such as FTSE A50, CSI 300, CSI 500 and ChiNext, by around 10-24% points. In a backdrop of weak equity performance, investors favored low beta and volatility stocks with significant economic value and good financial health, which coincided with the Bedrock ETF’s underlying index methodology and broadly explained why the ETF outperformed in 2022. In this article, we would have a more in-depth look at the portfolio holdings’ companies and decipher drivers of the outperformance and whether this multi-factor approach of low volatility, value, quality and size tilts would continue to power outperformance in 2023.
Feb 03, 2023
2023년, 투자자들은 경제침체기를 맞게될 서양과 중국의 회복으로 가파른 성장세에 올라탈 동양 사이에 극명한 경제적 차이를 보게 될 것입니다. 2022년, 재개방 반등세를 이미 자체적으로 경험한 ASEAN-5국가들이 내년에는 중국의 재개방 회복세 순풍에 올라탈 것으로 전망됩니다. 이번 논설에서는 ASEAN-5 국가들이2023년 비교적 완만한 인플레와 세계적으로도 가장 높은 수준의 경제성장률을 시현하며 어떻게 스윗스폿(Sweet Spot)을 계속 선점하게 될 지 다뤄볼 예정입니다.
Dec 13, 2022
2022년에는 전세계적으로 투자자들이 플러스 수익률을 낼 수 있는 시장을 찾는 것 자체가 어려웠습니다. 중국시장 역시 H주, A주, ADR주 모두 올해 첫 11개월 간 달러 수익률이 20~29%씩 하락하는 등 매도세에서 벗어날 수 없었는데요. 외국인 투자자들의 순매도세가 이어지는 동안 시장 회전율은 감소하였습니다. 중국 내부적으로 잦은 코로나 봉쇄조치, 부동산 시장 침체, 계속되는 빅테크 감시, 미중 관계 악화 등의 요인 모두 중국 증시 약세 기조에 기여했습니다. 대외적으로는 우크라이나-러시아 전쟁, 높은 인플레 압력, 가속화된 금리 인상 주기, 달러 강세 등의 이벤트들로 인해 위험자산에 대한 투자자 신뢰도가 더욱 약화되었습니다.
Dec 06, 2022
After finishing Q2 as the only emerging market in positive territory, the effects of zero-COVID policy, a continued slump in the property market, and weakening global demand pushed Chinese stocks to the bottom of the EM index in Q3. The CSI 300 Index dropped by -14.3% over the three months from July to September 2022. Below, we offer deeper insights into third-quarter performance—including some bright spots among state-owned enterprises and technology with a policy tailwind—along with our thinking on October’s National Congress and what the rest of the year might have in store.
Oct 31, 2022
Notwithstanding the cautious sentiment towards Chinese equities over the past year, the fundamentals suggest that it would be increasingly difficult to ignore Chinese equities as its economic heft and importance continues to grow. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim analyzes the fundamentals of the Chinese economy and why it makes sense for global allocators to deploy Chinese equities for diversification and growth opportunities as the alternative would be a deliberate underweight decision for a large part of the world's GDP and the key driver for global productivity growth.
Aug 11, 2022
As stocks around the world struggled in Q2 2022, China A shares produced a positive return, with the CSI 300 Index adding +6.2% for the quarter. This muted number nevertheless belies an action-packed three months, as investor sentiment toward mainland shares reached a low in April, with Shanghai and other major cities entering growth-stunting lockdowns amidst a rapid spread of COVID variants, only to recover sharply in May and June, as easing public health restrictions allowed Beijing to start ramping up a massive stimulus program intended to set the nation’s economy up for a strong second half leading into Q4’s National Congress. Here we offer some perspective on factor drivers in China’s market during the second quarter and comment on what might come next for Chinese stocks.
Aug 01, 2022
The great divergence between economic growth in China versus the rest of the Emerging Markets post-COVID-19 has increased the likelihood of a parting of ways between China and EM in asset allocations.
Mar 09, 2021
US sanctions on trade, technology, and financial market access have done little to dampen foreign investor enthusiasm for China. There has been a surge in foreign investment flows, both portfolio and direct, into China over the course of 2020: All of which begs the questions “why” and “how sustainable is this”?
Feb 25, 2021
The only major economy to grow in 2020. China has turned adversity from the COVID-19 pandemic into the best growth performance in the world for 2020.
Jan 27, 2021
The red-hot performers of the past 12 months have been the broad market indices from North Asia – Kospi (44%), CSI 300 (34%), TWSE (30%)
Jan 12, 2021
As business activities in China mostly resume to a normal level, we also observed some mean-reversion in factor returns, and interesting rotation in sector returns. Still, China A shares continue to outperform the US and global equity markets. With “high-quality” growth emphasized by the 14th Five-Year Plan and “Dual Circulation”, we believe “Quality Growth” will continue to be the main tone of China A equities.
Nov 11, 2020
The latest economic data confirms the upward trajectory of Chinese growth, putting China on track to be the only major economy to register growth for the full year 2020. And it highlights the attractiveness of China’s asset markets and supports the case for continued outperformance against other major markets.
Oct 28, 2020
China economy recovered faster than the rest of the world from the pandemic as shown by various economic indicators ranging from official PMI, GDP number, steel output, excavator sales, to traffic data. China’s solid macro recovery stands out from the rest of the major economies which either remain in a lock-down mode or simply begin to resume economic activities. That explains Chinese listed companies outperformed in terms of earnings and stock price performance.
Sep 10, 2020
Relief rally unlikely to last Beyond COVID-19, economies could flatline or enter recession Corporate earnings could stop growing at a time of heightened valuations There is a tail risk of credit defaults on liquidity and cashflow squeeze
Mar 03, 2020