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8 Insights with Topic: New Infrastructure

China’s East Data West Computing Initiative (II) – Energy Storage Systems and Smart Grids as the Final Mile in AI-Race
insightChina’s East Data West Computing Initiative (II) – Energy Storage Systems and Smart Grids as the Final Mile in AI-Race

Given the inextricable links between energy-hungry Artificial Intelligence and renewables, energy storage and smart grids are a necessary “final mile solution” in the intensifying AI race. They provide the critical capability to store and dispatch huge quantities of uninterrupted renewable energy/power on demand without compromising emission reduction targets. In this regard, China is uniquely positioned to tackle the related challenges of AI and renewable energy with its rapid development and upgrades of energy storage systems and smart grids. In fact the country has long been studying intertwined strategic relationship between AI, technology and energy, and studiously incorporate such thinking into its Five Year Plans, and which are subsequently being rolled out as China’s East Data West Computing initiative. Further to our recent insight on China’s “power infrastructure” as the critical enabler for AI-development, in this article, we zoom in on China’s capabilities and investment opportunities in energy storage as the linchpin that holds the last mile solution, and matches renewable energy production with industrial demand in China’s journey to a high-tech, modern society.

Sep 11, 2024

China’s East Data West Computing Initiative – Power Infrastructure as the Next Big Thing in the Global AI Race
insightChina’s East Data West Computing Initiative – Power Infrastructure as the Next Big Thing in the Global AI Race

While Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has been dominating media and market attention, the “next big thing” has been developing rapidly in the background in China, in the form of super-scale AI infrastructure. It involves, among other things, a national computing power network; data centre clusters from Guangdong to Inner Mongolia and from Gansu in the West to Anhui in the East; centres for the development/training of large language models; and abundant green energy integrated with massive energy storage facilities. What is rapidly emerging is a gigantic national network connecting smart grids, intelligent network routing and energy storage – one that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. The pay off will be lower cost execution of computing processes and high-end manufacturing/AI-based industrial automation. The current media focus has been on the speed of the microchip as the key factor in the AI race. The following insight details the elements of the AI-infrastructure that are likely to prove critical in the next phase of AI development.

Jun 19, 2024

[KR] 중국 투자자·자산배분 투자자들로부터 가장 많이 받은 질문 10가지
insight[KR] 중국 투자자·자산배분 투자자들로부터 가장 많이 받은 질문 10가지

중국 시장은 2022년 10월 이후 중국 리오프닝과 코로나 정책 완화에 따른 강한 반등세를 보였는데요. 해외 중국주식에서 장기적인 강세장에 돌입하여 초과수익률을 낼 수 있을 것으로 기대되는 중국A주로 투자 자금 흐름 로테이션이 관찰되기 시작했습니다. 중국은 현재 리오프닝 경기 회복 궤도 속 어느 지점에 있을까요? 초과수익률을 가져다 줄 수 있는 정책 지원 섹터 리딩기업들은 무엇일까요? 이는 저희 클라이언트들에게 자주 받는 질문들입니다. 이번 글에서는 투자자 분들과의 대화 중 최근에 가장 많았던 질문 10가지를 소개해드리려고 합니다. 또, 중국의 리오프닝 그리고 그 다음 챕터인 경제성장 회복 궤도 속에서 발생되는 기회들에 대한 인사이트를 공유합니다.

Mar 17, 2023

Q3 2022 China A-shares factor review
insightQ3 2022 China A-shares factor review

After finishing Q2 as the only emerging market in positive territory, the effects of zero-COVID policy, a continued slump in the property market, and weakening global demand pushed Chinese stocks to the bottom of the EM index in Q3. The CSI 300 Index dropped by -14.3% over the three months from July to September 2022. Below, we offer deeper insights into third-quarter performance—including some bright spots among state-owned enterprises and technology with a policy tailwind—along with our thinking on October’s National Congress and what the rest of the year might have in store.

Oct 31, 2022

Would price intervention for polysilicon upend growth trajectory for the photovoltaic industry in China?
insightWould price intervention for polysilicon upend growth trajectory for the photovoltaic industry in China?

After lithium, coal and pork, polysilicon appears to be the next in line for potential government price interventions. In fact, polysilicon prices which have been on nine consecutive weeks of spiking spree, have reached 10-year high and the high prices have caused severe supply chain disruptions and suppressed domestic demand for solar panels – and in the process slow down the solar infrastructure build out in China. Such price intervention thus is envisaged to be a positive regulating event, that would shift the industry dynamics from upstream biased to more midstream and downstream actors, to rebalance the supply chain economics for long run sustainable growth of the industry ecosystem. In this article, we shall analyze this in greater details, and explain why despite the headline concerns it would be a positive event for the sector leaders including related constituents in the Premia ETFs, while the polysilicon market is expected to remain tight throughout the year due to persistent strong global demand and supply shortages.

Aug 04, 2022

Q2 2022 China A-shares factor review
insightQ2 2022 China A-shares factor review

As stocks around the world struggled in Q2 2022, China A shares produced a positive return, with the CSI 300 Index adding +6.2% for the quarter. This muted number nevertheless belies an action-packed three months, as investor sentiment toward mainland shares reached a low in April, with Shanghai and other major cities entering growth-stunting lockdowns amidst a rapid spread of COVID variants, only to recover sharply in May and June, as easing public health restrictions allowed Beijing to start ramping up a massive stimulus program intended to set the nation’s economy up for a strong second half leading into Q4’s National Congress. Here we offer some perspective on factor drivers in China’s market during the second quarter and comment on what might come next for Chinese stocks.

Aug 01, 2022

How do we decipher “Dual Circulation” for our China strategies
insightHow do we decipher “Dual Circulation” for our China strategies

The term "dual circulation” is one of the hot searches in China and receives great attention after President Xi first expressed this idea at a top official meeting held earlier this year. He then elaborated further that China’s economic model will be involving an internal circulation developing a substantial domestic market, and an external circulation deepening the international trade. The latest meeting of Communist Party’s Central Committee reinforced this policy will be the core component of the 14th five-year plan for the development between 2021 and 2025.

Nov 04, 2020