5 Insights with Topic: Hardcore Technology
Robust projected earnings growth for 2025 – part of a multi-year growth story driven by Artificial Intelligence – will give the Taiwan market a helpful buffer amidst geopolitical and trade uncertainties. Also, Taiwan has added protection from being the indispensable total supply chain for the tech industry – with its dominance driven by semiconductor and technology manufacturing leaders like TSMC, Hon Hai, and MediaTek. Economic growth is expected to remain solid at around 3.3% for this year. Beyond the tech sector, the government’s push to upgrade its financial services capabilities, with high domestic penetration and receptiveness of financial products, also provide promising tailwinds. The risks of Trump 2.0 make Taiwan a nuanced opportunity this year. It threatens volatility. But the AI revolution remains a multi-year growth driver, and Taiwan's strategic role, indeed global leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, offers strong long-term potential. Notwithstanding geopolitical considerations and general market risks, the medium to long term growth trajectory remains robust. In this article, our Portfolio Manager Alex Chu suggests that corrections could provide the long term investors attractive entry points into Taiwan’s technology-driven equity market which has a low correlation with global equity market as well as other major asset classes.
Jan 27, 2025
Further to the insight piece on “Taiwan: The Quiet World-Beater” shared by our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim, in this article we share more about our new ETF Premia FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 ETF, which covers the 50 largest flagship companies in Taiwan by market capitalization. The strategy aims to capture the strong market performance from the robust growth in demand for semiconductors and the broader economic growth activities in Taiwan in the coming years. It is designed as a low-cost, tax efficient access tool, with versatility of having both HKD (distributing) and USD (accumulating) unit classes.
Oct 09, 2024
In the midst of the AI-driven excitement surrounding major US tech giants, Taiwan has been quietly positioning itself as a significant player in the global technology sector. Over the past two years, Taiwan’s stock market has outperformed all major Asian markets and even surpassed the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 in returns. This success can largely be attributed to Taiwan's critical role in the semiconductor industry, which continues to drive its economic growth and investment appeal. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim discusses drivers supporting the unique, strategic moat Taiwan has built over the years, and why it will likely remain an attractive investment destination going forwards, on the expected continued robust growth in demand for semiconductors and its broader economic growth activities over coming years.
Sep 05, 2024
While Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has been dominating media and market attention, the “next big thing” has been developing rapidly in the background in China, in the form of super-scale AI infrastructure. It involves, among other things, a national computing power network; data centre clusters from Guangdong to Inner Mongolia and from Gansu in the West to Anhui in the East; centres for the development/training of large language models; and abundant green energy integrated with massive energy storage facilities. What is rapidly emerging is a gigantic national network connecting smart grids, intelligent network routing and energy storage – one that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. The pay off will be lower cost execution of computing processes and high-end manufacturing/AI-based industrial automation. The current media focus has been on the speed of the microchip as the key factor in the AI race. The following insight details the elements of the AI-infrastructure that are likely to prove critical in the next phase of AI development.
Jun 19, 2024
인터넷 플랫폼 기업들이 지난 10년 간 중국 테크 섹터를 주도해 온 주요 동력이었지만, 최근 실적 발표와 경영 방향성을 살펴보면, 이커머스·게임·승차플랫폼·라스트 마일 배송 등 업종들의 고성장 모멘텀이 대폭 둔화되고 있는 모습인데요. 정부 정책 변동·반독점법·데이터 보안 위반 등에 대한 우려뿐만 아니라 시장이 성숙 단계에 진입하면서 이들 사업 모델의 전망은 불확실해보입니다. 반면, 특히 반도체와 같은 하드코어 테크놀로지 섹터는 미국 바이든 행정부의 적대적인 조치에도 시장에서 떠오르는 업종으로 각광받고 있습니다. 이번 글에서는 왜 반도체 업종이 조만간 중국 주식 시장의 핵심 섹터 중 하나가 될 예정인지, 그리고 투자자들이 중국 테크 산업의 패러다임 변화에 맞춰 포트폴리오를 재구성하고자 할 때 왜 프리미아 차이나 과창판(STAR50) ETF를 활용하면 테크 산업의 성장기회들을 포착하기 좋은지 다뤄보도록 하겠습니다.
May 04, 2023