Premia 活动

[永丰金证券x睿亚资产 线上策略会议 ] 波动市场下的环球配置策略与中国国债投资前景
Hong Kong Jun 10, 2022
With persistently high inflation, policymakers around the world face little option but to kickstart the rate hike cycles more aggressively. In the US market expectations have also gone from a handful of 25bps hikes, to 5-7 times of 25-50 bps hikes, to more recently talks about 75-100bps hikes. Meanwhile yield for 10-year US Treasury has already caught up with that for CGB. At the same time, China continues to be a completely different world as low inflation gives policymakers much room to roll out more policy easing measures for economic growth. For asset owners, global allocators and government bond investors, what would be the key factors to consider for adjusting allocation strategy in this environment? What would be the currency outlook for USD and RMB? How does geopolitical risk come into play? In this webinar our Partner & Co-CIO David Lai and Laura Lui discussed with two subject matter experts – Chun Hong Chan, Partner & Co-CEO, CIO Multi-Asset Strategies and Head of External Managers of Avanda Investment Management, and Edmund Ng, Founder & CIO, Eastfort Asset Management on these important topics.
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Shanghai Stock Exchange Virtual Roadshow: Tracking China through Indexes
Shanghai Mar 30, 2021
The event is hosted by the official event hosted by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, to provide global investors updates on the development of index investing in China, ESG, STAR board and how to better track China through indexes. Our Partner & Co-CIO David Lai would be joining the panel discussion for STAR board opportunities.

HKEx Asia ETF Forum 2020
Hong Kong Nov 24, 2020
Our Co-CIOs David Lai and Laura Lui, as well as Chanyoung Kim from our Sales & Distribution team spoke as panellists for the upcoming Asia ETF Forum 2020 hosted by the HKEx. The discussion focused on Rebalancing Growth in Asia, with topics including new economic dimensions for Asian economies, investment opportunities under COVID and US-China trade war, and the risk management against challenges in Asia. Please click here for more details.
All videos are now available. Please see below links (Passcode: AsiaETFforum2o2o):
Day 1 (English)
Day 1 (Thai)
Day 2 (English)
Day 2 (Mandarin)
Day 3 (English)
Day 3 (Korean)
All videos are now available. Please see below links (Passcode: AsiaETFforum2o2o):
Day 1 (English)
Day 1 (Thai)
Day 2 (English)
Day 2 (Mandarin)
Day 3 (English)
Day 3 (Korean)

2020 ESG Global Summit by Institute for Global Economics
Seoul, Korea Nov 09, 2020
Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua joined the distinguish panel of speakers to discuss the topic “Key post-Covid Agenda for the Financial Services Industry: Mainstreaming ESG Management and Strengthening Digital Finance”
• Henny Sender, Chief Correspondent for International Finance of the Financial Times
• Piyush Gupta, Chairman & CEO of DBS Group
• Tim Adams, President & CEO of Institute of International Finance (IIF)
• Sonja Gibbs, Managing Director, Institute of International Finance (IIF)
• Kristian Fok, Chief Investment Officer of Cbus
• Chibo Tang, Partner of Gobi Partners
• Mervyn Tang, Senior Director & Global Head of ESG Research of Fitch
• Kim Jung-sik, Professor Emeritus of Yonsei University and President of KOSSREC
• Henny Sender, Chief Correspondent for International Finance of the Financial Times
• Piyush Gupta, Chairman & CEO of DBS Group
• Tim Adams, President & CEO of Institute of International Finance (IIF)
• Sonja Gibbs, Managing Director, Institute of International Finance (IIF)
• Kristian Fok, Chief Investment Officer of Cbus
• Chibo Tang, Partner of Gobi Partners
• Mervyn Tang, Senior Director & Global Head of ESG Research of Fitch
• Kim Jung-sik, Professor Emeritus of Yonsei University and President of KOSSREC

Webinar with Huatai Securities: Growth opportunities in Asia – China and Emerging ASEAN
Hong Kong Nov 04, 2020
Our Co-CIO Laura Lui joined Huatai Securities to discuss megatrend opportunities in Asia with highlights for China and Emerging ASEAN (including Vietnam) that continue to have solid economic growth through COVID.

Understanding TikTok & ByteDance: fireside chat with Matthew Brennan, moderated by Henny Sender
Hong Kong Nov 04, 2020
Here is the replay for the fireside chat with Matthew Brennan on his very interesting book - Attention Factory - The Story of TikTok & ByteDance and for a deep dive behind the scenes at TikTok’s Chinese parent company ByteDance. The conversation is moderated by our good friend Henny Sender, Chief Correspondent of International Finance at the Financial Times.
Passcode: 9A+1Dfm=
About Matthew - Based in China for over 16 years, Matthew is the Co-founder of China Channel, and a frequent speaker and prolific writer focusing on Chinese mobile technology and innovation. He is known in particular for his analysis of social ecommerce, and is also the co-host of the China Tech Talk podcast produced together with China’s largest English language tech media, Technode & TechCrunch China. The company he founded China Channel organizes China’s largest WeChat marketing conference series for international companies. Matthew’s team work with a select few multinational businesses to help form and implement their WeChat and China digital marketing strategy. Matthew was recognized by LinkedIn with a ‘2018 Power Profile Award’ given to the most influential profiles on the platform.
About Henny - Henny Sender is chief correspondent for international finance at the Financial Times, based in New York and Hong Kong. Before joining the FT, Sender was the Wall Street Journal’s Senior Special Writer for Money & Investing, covering private equity and hedge funds. Prior to this, she spent 10 years in Hong Kong, covering regional finance for WSJ Asia and Far Eastern Economic Review, as well as five years in Tokyo at Institutional Investor. Sender was part of a team at the Journal that won a Loeb award for coverage of the meltdown of Amaranth hedge fund. Her work on the overseas Chinese received a citation from the Overseas Press Club and she was a finalist for the National Magazine Awards. Her book on India, The Kashmiri Pandits, was published by Oxford University Press. Sender holds an MS from the Columbia University School of Journalism and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Passcode: 9A+1Dfm=
About Matthew - Based in China for over 16 years, Matthew is the Co-founder of China Channel, and a frequent speaker and prolific writer focusing on Chinese mobile technology and innovation. He is known in particular for his analysis of social ecommerce, and is also the co-host of the China Tech Talk podcast produced together with China’s largest English language tech media, Technode & TechCrunch China. The company he founded China Channel organizes China’s largest WeChat marketing conference series for international companies. Matthew’s team work with a select few multinational businesses to help form and implement their WeChat and China digital marketing strategy. Matthew was recognized by LinkedIn with a ‘2018 Power Profile Award’ given to the most influential profiles on the platform.
About Henny - Henny Sender is chief correspondent for international finance at the Financial Times, based in New York and Hong Kong. Before joining the FT, Sender was the Wall Street Journal’s Senior Special Writer for Money & Investing, covering private equity and hedge funds. Prior to this, she spent 10 years in Hong Kong, covering regional finance for WSJ Asia and Far Eastern Economic Review, as well as five years in Tokyo at Institutional Investor. Sender was part of a team at the Journal that won a Loeb award for coverage of the meltdown of Amaranth hedge fund. Her work on the overseas Chinese received a citation from the Overseas Press Club and she was a finalist for the National Magazine Awards. Her book on India, The Kashmiri Pandits, was published by Oxford University Press. Sender holds an MS from the Columbia University School of Journalism and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

FundForum Asia 2020: Panel discussion on Have ETFs let investors down in times of uncertainties?
Hong Kong Oct 14, 2020
Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua joined Yingyong Chiaravutthi, Head of Investment at Prudential Life Assurance Public Company Ltd. (Thailand) and Eric Poon, Executive Vice Chairperson of Association of Family Offices in Asia for a discussion on ETFs topics, including US/Europe listing ETFs vs Asia listing ETFs; how ETFs performed before and after pandemic situation; are ETFs increasing their TR and fees in general; how to enter or exit ETFs in current market situation; and experience for the liquidity situation of ETFs during the pandemic, etc.

Webinar with Bualuang Securities: Sweet Spot in China & HK Equities and 2021 Outlook
Bangkok Oct 08, 2020
Our Co-CIO David Lai shares his view on Chinese and Hong Kong economy, and the investment opportunities under the US-China trade war and post-COVID condition.

Caixin Global Event: China ESG Forum
Hong Kong Aug 31, 2020

Opportunities in quality growth leaders: China and Asia Innovative Technology
Hong Kong Aug 06, 2020
The world has been put to significant challenges and changes by COVID-19, which redefined econmic growth and investment opportunities for investors. After winning the HKEx 2019 Top performing ETF award with 43.3% return, the Premia New Economy ETF continued to be the rare strategy that scored strong positive YTD performance. What drive the resilience? Rather than just IT and internet, China New Economy and the sister version in Asia Innovative Technology sector leader cover the major beneficiaries as magatrends opportunities in Urbanisation, Rising middle income class Consumption upgrade, Aging population and rising need for healthcare, digital transformation in both To-C and To-B space, and technology enabled industrialisation 4.0 unfold. In this presentation, Premia Partners will discuss its ETF solutions that aim to better capture the emerging growth sectors in China and Asia.

2020 Institute for Global Economics – Hana Bank International Conference
Seoul, Korea Jun 26, 2020
Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua joined the following leading experts to discuss “Prospects for Private Equity and Asset Management in the Changing Economic Environment”
• Henny Sender, Chief Correspondent for International Finance of the Financial Times
• Weijian Shan, Chairman & CEO of PAG Group
• Ming Lu, Head of KKR Asia Pacific
• Bhanu Singh, Head of Asia Pacific Portfolio Management of Dimensional Fund Advisors
• Kim Hee-seok, CEO of Hana Alternative Asset Management
• Ahn Dong-hyun, Professor of Seoul National University and Former President of Korea Capital Market Institute (KCMI)
• Henny Sender, Chief Correspondent for International Finance of the Financial Times
• Weijian Shan, Chairman & CEO of PAG Group
• Ming Lu, Head of KKR Asia Pacific
• Bhanu Singh, Head of Asia Pacific Portfolio Management of Dimensional Fund Advisors
• Kim Hee-seok, CEO of Hana Alternative Asset Management
• Ahn Dong-hyun, Professor of Seoul National University and Former President of Korea Capital Market Institute (KCMI)

Citywire Switzerland
Hong Kong Jun 16, 2020
After winning the HKEx 2019 Top Performing ETF award with 45.2% return, the Premia New Economy ETF continued to score strong positive YTD performance. What drives the resilience in the world of redefined economic growth and investment opportunities due to COVID? In this presentation, we discussed two strategies that aim to better capture the emerging growth markets and emerging growth sectors in China and Asia. Please click here for the video clip.

Citywire Americas
Hong Kong Jun 05, 2020
After winning the HKEx 2019 Top Performing ETF award with 45.2% return, the Premia New Economy ETF continued to score strong positive YTD performance. What drives the resilience in the world of redefined economic growth and investment opportunities due to COVID? In this presentation, we discussed two strategies that aim to better capture the emerging growth markets and emerging growth sectors in China and Asia. Please click here for the video clip.

Citywire Geneva Forum
Beau Rivage Geneve, Switzerland Mar 03, 2020
We presented at the Citywire Geneva Forum on megatrends and growth opportunities in China and Asia. Don't just live megatrends, invest in them with Premia ETFs.

Premia Partners webinar on iTrade / MX Federation
Online Feb 03, 2020
Our co-CIO David Lai will share views about South East Asia and New Economy investment opportunities and how one may capture these opportunities via ETFs at the TAMP platform iTrade of MX Federation.

香港 Jan 16, 2020

Premia Partners is phone interviewed by ViuTV
Hong Kong Jan 03, 2020
Our Co-CIO David Lai is with ViuTV talking about Premia USFR. An introduction of US Treasury type ETFs for potential cash parking.
Our Co-CIO David Lai is with ViuTV talking about Premia USFR. An introduction of US Treasury type ETFs for potential cash parking.
Please click here for video clip.

Premia Partners speaks at Shine Consultant’s Wealth Management Private Banking Asia Conference
Shanghai Dec 11, 2019
Our Co-CIO Laura Lui delivers keynote speech on asset allocation using ETFs.

Premia Partners is phone interviewed by ViuTV
Hong Kong Nov 29, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai is with ViuTV talking about Global internet users and Asia innovative technology ETFs. Please click here for video clip.

Premia Partners speaks at PwC HK Assets and Wealth Conference 2019
Hong Kong Nov 25, 2019
Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua joined as panelist at the PwC annual conference on "Shaping the Future: innovating to meet new opportunities and challenges".

Premia Partners at Citywire Wealth Management Forum London 2019
London Oct 29, 2019
Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua and Co-CIO Laura Lui joined the Citywire Wealth Management Forum in London, and share about Asia megatrends and growth opportunities.

Premia Partners at Hong Kong Thought Leadership Seminar organized by S&P Dow Jones Indices
Hong Kong Oct 24, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai shares his views on a panel “Is Passive Investing Becoming More Active in Asia?”

Premia Partners at Hubbis Independent Wealth Management Forum 2019
Hong Kong Oct 22, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai shared his views on a workshop on “Investing during trade war: uncorrelated equities and truly risk-free cash”. At the Forum, we also presented on the same topic and spoke at the panel “Interesting and relevant Investment Solutions for YOUR clients today”.

Premia Partners at The 2019 FundForum-Inside ETFs Asia Conference
Hong Kong Oct 15, 2019
Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua spoke at The 2019 FundForum-Inside ETFs Asia Conference: on the panel “Where to find growth and return?” and shared about investment strategies for South East Asia, India, China and markets that were overlooked.

Premia Partners speaks at Axioma Financial Intelligence Summit Hong Kong 2019
Hong Kong Oct 09, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai speaks at a panel discussion on Factoring in How to Play China.

Premia Partners speaks at Asia Asset Management’s 6th Annual Taiwan ETF Forum
Taipei Sep 25, 2019
The theme is ETFs, ETPs and Passive Investments: How Global Trends are Shaping the Industry. Our Co-CIO shares his views at the 6th Annual Taiwan ETF Forum.

Premia Partners at Global Investor Group’s Trading Singapore
Singapore Sep 25, 2019
We joined as panelist to discuss Indexation of Assets.

Premia Partners on ViuTV talking about Vietnam opportunities
Hong Kong Sep 20, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai is having a phone interview with ViuTV on the Vietnam market and our ETF strategy to capture the growth. Please click here for video clip.

Premia Partners at the Hubbis Investment Solutions Forum 2019
Hong Kong Sep 19, 2019
We presented at the Hubbis event on State of EM: unearthing hidden gems in China and ASEAN, and the panel discussion for “Young Clients" - Investing with Purpose? We also spoke at the workshop - Investing during trade war: uncorrelated equities and truly risk-free cash.

Premia Partners featured at HSBC Irish Funds Seminar
Hong Kong Sep 16, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai joins as a panellist on the panel: The rise of passive investing; trends, strategies and increased fee compression.

Premia Partners on RTHK Radio 1 Financial Program
Hong Kong Sep 10, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai speaks at RTHK Radio 1 financial program about our US Treasury floating rate note strategy.
Please click here for audio clip.

Premia Partners speaks at Shine Consultant International’s Global Asset Allocation Leaders Summit
Shanghai Sep 04, 2019
Our Co-CIO Laura Lui delivers keynote speech on Intelligently Capturing Growth in Asia through Index & Quantitative Investment.

Premia Partners on RTHK Radio 3 Money Talk
Hong Kong Aug 15, 2019
Our Co-CIO David Lai attends a live radio program hosted by Peter Lewis talking about ETFs. David advises investors to manage their risks by diversifying their portfolios amid the uncertainties of the US-China trade dispute and the recent poor performance of the Hang Seng Index. David says that investors may consider putting money to uncorrelated markets like Vietnam, where there is a rising middle class and has the potential to be benefited from the trade war.
Please click here for video clip.

Premia Partners joins the Zhi Tong Cai Jing and LBS Communications’ Summit
Shenzhen Jun 26, 2019
Our Co-CIO Laura Lui shares her views with the participating investors and listed companies in Shenzhen at the Green Economy and Sustainable Economy Opportunities Investment Summit

Premia Partners speaks at Asia Risk’s Risk Hong Kong 2019
Hong Kong Jun 21, 2019
Our Co-CIO Laura Lui joins the investment stream for the CIO panel: When volatility strikes back.

Premia Partners at The Asset’s 5th Taiwan Investment Summit
Taipei Jun 18, 2019
The 5th Taiwan Investment Summit organized by The Asset brings together institutional investors, ETF sponsors, index providers, asset managers and regulators to discuss the developments that are reshaping the investment landscape. This year’s theme is “Investing in a changing market”. Our Co-CIO David Lai shares his perspectives on a panel: ETFs – the next level.

Premia Partners speaks at the Hubbis Investment Solutions Forum
新加坡 Jun 13, 2019
Premia Partners at the Hubbis Investment Solutions Forum in Singapore – Our Co-CIO David Lai discusses the state of emerging Asia and megatrend opportunities.

Premia Partners speaks at the IGE/WB/IIF/Busan Metropolitan City/BNK Financial Group Conference
Busan May 27, 2019
The main theme is The Future of Digital Finance and FinTech Industry: Towards Busan FinTech Hub. Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua joins as one of the lead speakers on a Special Business Roundtable for FinTech Pioneers in Asia: Busan FinTech Summit.

Premia Partners speaks at the Hubbis Thailand Wealth Management Forum
曼谷 May 09, 2019
Premia Partners at the Hubbis Thailand Wealth Management Forum in Bangkok – we presented on the state of EM: unearthing hidden gems in China and ASEAN.

Citywire Montreux 2019
Montreux May 08, 2019
Our Managing Partner Rebecca Chua, Co-CIO Laura Lui and Vice President, Strategy & Analytics Rainie Pan present at the Premia Partners workshops on “The state of emerging markets: Unearthing hidden gems in China and Asia megatrends”.

Premia Partners won the “Excellent Brand of ETF Provider”
香港 Feb 27, 2019
We are very honoured that Premia Partners won the "Excellent Brand of ETF Provider" award of Hong Kong Leaders' Choice 2019 by Metro Finance!

Premia Partners presents at the 2018 Noah Wealth Diamond Summit
丽江 Nov 23, 2018
It is great to participate at the 2018 Noah Wealth Diamond Summit at the amazingly beautiful Lijiang! We are excited to share that our senior advisor, Chairman & CIO of Rayliant Global Advisors Dr. Jason Hsu had an impressive and insightful presentation at the summit!

Premia Partners speaks at the Hubbis Taiwan Wealth Management Forum 2018
台北 Nov 20, 2018
Big thanks to Hubbis and Michael Stanhope for hosting us at the Taiwan Wealth Management Forum 2018. It was a pleasure to introduce our Emerging ASEAN and Asia Innovative Technology investment solutions to an audience eager for alternatives to China and India allocations!

Premia Partners speaks at KNect365’s Fund Marketing and Distribution
香港 Nov 14, 2018
Fund Marketing and Distribution brings together industry leaders and provides successful marketing, investment and regulatory strategies for Asia's expanding capital markets. At the event, our Co-CIO David Lai will join a panel discussion on A shares and developing fund flows.

Premia Partners speaks at the 5th Annual Taiwan ETF Forum
台北 Oct 31, 2018
Asia Asset Management and Taiwan Stock Exchange organise its 5th Annual Taiwan ETF Forum & Taiwan ETF’s 15th Anniversary Forum on October 31, 2018 at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel. Our Co-CIO David Lai shares insights on the next era of growth for ETFs alongside Jackie Choy, David Quah, Priscilla Luk and Si Ling Wong.

Premia Partners speaks at S&P’s Annual Korea Quantitative Investment Conference 2018
首尔 Oct 17, 2018
At its second quantitative investment conference, S&P presents the theme “Data Evolution in Quantitative Investing and Future of Artificial Intelligence”. Our Co-CIO David Lai shares his insights to other industry leaders at a presentation about capturing Asia innovation opportunities in a systematic manner, while Co-CIO Laura Lui gives a presentation on factor investing in China A-shares, explaining the rationale behind and the ways of implementing factor investing.

Premia Partners presents at Asian Private Banker’s Discretionary Dialogue 2018
新加坡、香港 Oct 09, 2018
The Discretionary Dialogue is an exclusive event that allows industry leaders to learn from their peers through leadership conversations and sharing sessions. Our Co-CIOs Laura Lui and David Lai spoke in Singapore and Hong Kong respectively, both at a panel about the growing trend of using ETF in passive asset management.

Premia Partners featured in The Summit for Asset Management (TSAM)
香港 Sep 20, 2018
At this TSAM conference, our Co-CIO David Lai spoke at a panel discussion about the risk, rewards and growth opportunities of investing in China A-shares. We also joined the panel discussion on the rise of ETFs and the underlying risks and investment opportunities.

Premia Partners delivers insights at Asia Risk Congress 2018 workshop
新加坡 Sep 13, 2018
We hosted at the Asia Risk Congress a special workshop with Dr. Shengzu Wang, Co-Head of Investment Strategy Group, Asia Goldman Sachs Private Wealth, to discuss about the top investment trends for 2018/2019.

Premia Partners featured at the 4th LSEG China Conference
北京 Jul 11, 2018
Organized by London Stock Exchange Group, the LSEG China Conference is joined by market leaders to learn more about the latest developments and opportunities in China’s financial market. Our CIO Laura Lui speaks at a panel discussion on China and cross border investment, mainly focusing on her experience as an ETF issuer and the underlying potential.

Premia Partners shares insights at The Asset’s 4th ETF Asia Summit
台北 Jun 27, 2018
To cater for Asia’s growing ETF market, the ETF Asia Summit keeps industry leaders informed about the market’s latest trends and news. At its 4th summit, our Co-CIO David Lai is featured at a panel discussion about ETF Solutions in asset allocation.

Premia Partners presents at Exchange Traded Funds Forum
吉隆坡 Jun 24, 2018
We presented at The Exchange Traded Fund Forum held in Kuala Lumpur and shared with other industry leaders about using ETF as building blocks, and smart beta strategies including factor and thematic investing in Asia.

Premia Partners presents at Risk.net’s Future Investor Forum
香港 Jun 21, 2018
David Lai, our Co-CIO, presented at the Future Investor Forum on China’s development in technology, and how has this created opportunities for investors. We also joined other industry leaders at a panel discussion on “Effective ETF portfolio management and investment strategies”.

Premia Partners invited to speak at S&P Dow Jones Indices seminar about Alpha strategies
香港 Jun 07, 2018
Dow Jones Indices seminars gather leading industry practitioners to explore hot topics of the investment industry. Our Co-CIO Laura Lui is invited to speak at DJI’s most recent seminar about investment opportunities in Asia, and how the ETF Connect Program will shape the investment landscape in Asia.

Premia Partners presents at Irish Fund’s Hong Kong seminar
香港 May 30, 2018
Irish Funds brings together influential individuals at its Hong Kong seminar to inform participants about industry updates. David Lai, our Co-CIO, delivers his insights at the panel discussion on the latest market developments on ETF Connect.

睿亚资产在Asian Private Banker举办的「2018年新加坡投资顾问峰会」发表演讲
新加坡 May 18, 2018
We presented at Asian Private Bankers' Investment Advisory Summit in Singapore, on “is smart beta relevant for China A-shares investing?”

睿亚资产在Asian Private Banker举办的「2018年香港投资顾问峰会」发表演讲
香港 May 15, 2018

Premia Partners speaks at Asia Risk’s SGX Index Edge Breakfast Briefing
香港 May 08, 2018
We presented at the SGX Index Edge Breakfast Briefing, and shared with the audience investment trends for the China A shares market.

Premia Partners shares insights at Risk Korea 2018
韩国首尔 Mar 22, 2018
Risk Korea is the nation’s leading risk and derivatives conference for finance and risk practitioners to share investment practices and risk management strategies. Our Co-CIO Laura Lui is featured in a panel discussion about smart beta and the growing use of ETFs in Asia.

Premia Partners presents at KNect365’s Inside ETFs Asia
香港 Nov 09, 2017
At Inside ETFs Asia, world-leading ETF & investment experts debate and discuss the most important issues facing Asian investors in today’s challenging markets. David Lai, our Co-CIO, presents in the panel “Playing Trends: A Closer Look at Commodities & Emerging Market ETFs”.

Premia Partners speaks at Asia Asset Management’s 4th Annual Taiwan ETF Forum
台北 Nov 01, 2017
At its 4th Annual ETF Forum, Asia Asset Management taps into new opportunities for ETFs and ETPs. Our Co-CIO David Lai joins other industry leaders and presents in a panel about the role of advisers and wealth managers and their considerations for clients.

睿亚资产在2017 全球ETP峰会参与演讲
首尔 Sep 28, 2017
第8届Global ETP Conference将于2017年9月28日在南韩首尔举行,推广亚洲交易所买卖产品市场的发展。 我们的合伙人兼联合首席投资官吕霭华将与其他企业领导者一同参与,并会在会议上的专题讨论中分享见解。

Premia Partners featured in The Asset’s exclusive roundtable
香港 Sep 27, 2017
The Asset brings together industry leaders at an exclusive roundtable discussion on the use of smart beta strategies for asset allocation. Our Co-CIO David Lai is invited to give his take on the issue as one of the 10 speakers at the roundtable.

新加坡 Sep 27, 2017
Premia Partners hosted a private luncheon in Singapore where our Senior Advisor Dr. Jason Hsu, and thought leaders in the smart beta space shared his research on factor robustness across geographies, including factor anomalies for China A shares. We also shared details about the two multi-factor China A smart beta ETFs we launched in October 2017.

香港 Sep 05, 2017
We spoke at the Structured Products Asia 2017 conference in Hong Kong, and shared about factor investing for the China A shares market.